Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ben Franklin Quiz

Ben Franklin turns 300 this year. Give him the gift of knowledge. Take the Ben Franklin Quiz

The 100 best values in public colleges

University of Washington is in the top 10. The 100 best values
in public colleges -bro

Monday, January 09, 2006

Books Bound in Human Skin

Some of the nation's best libraries have books bound in human skin. A number of prestigious libraries -- including Harvard University's -- have such books in their collections. Read More -bro

Friday, January 06, 2006

Research Internship For Women

APS/IBM RESEARCH INTERNSHIP FOR UNDERGRADUATE WOMEN These summer internships are salaried positions typically 10 weeks long, and include in addition a $2,500 grant, plus the opportunity to work with a mentor at one of three IBM research locations. Applications must be submitted by January 31, 2006. Complete details on the program and how to apply are available at

-Must be female with sophomore or junior standing at a US college or university at the time of application

-Must be majoring in chemistry, physics, materials science or engineering, computer science or engineering, chemical, electrical, mechanical engineering

-Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA

-No citizenship restriction.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Are you a "College Chick"?

ChicksSpeak is both a blog site with featured links and a secure & private journal. Our site probably sums up our purpose best in saying, 'ChicksSpeak is your resource for getting real world advice, getting connected and sharing your experiences and thoughts, both publicly through our Blog Spots, and privately in your own secure Journal. Consider your personal invitation to be your whole smart, sexy, social self- no excuses or sugar coating needed. Make this your own. You'll be amazed at what you do along the way. - bro