Mary T. Caton Armantrout has given of herself and her books throughout her many years of teaching at the
Newport Center. Continuing a family commitment to reading, collecting and sharing good books, she kept a collection in her classroom and donated many books to the small library at the Newport Center. Since retiring in June of 2004 to concentrate on finishing her doctorate (Gonzaga University), she chose from her personal collection additional current books that she hoped would be useful to Newport and other community college students.
The Newport Center Library is an attractive and quiet place where students study, work on papers, watch videos and practice sign language. While academic needs are well met by the online book catalog that makes anything in the CCS book collection available within a couple of days, the small reference collection onsite is now supplemented by attractive and interesting books in many subject areas that can be browsed and checked out.
Mary's former students will fondly remember her as they open up a book and read the gift bookplate:
A Gift from Mary T. Caton Armantrout